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AFI Submission on Draft Design Guides for Streets and Intersections

Published on June 8, 2023

AFI I have made a submission on the Draft Design Guides for Streets and Intersections as part of the ACT’s Active Travel Strategy. In the submission, endorsed by ACTCOSS, we emphasise the importance of accessible spaces and seamless paths of travel in the urban realm and the costs and consequences of poor accessibility.  Generally speaking, Canberra has damaged streets and bike paths which are in need of improved attention and upkeep, especially following two years of wet weather. We emphasised the need to clarify the role of the design guides in the context of mandatory technical compliance with disability standards as well as the need for consistency of approach as well as the opportunity to promote best practice in areas like accessible traffic signalling plus leading-edge design that works for people who are hard of hearing.  We also raise some specific issues regarding our streets particularly the interplay between vehicles and people with disabilities in complex and changing urban spaces.  Finally, we highlight challenges and safety concerns for some people with disability in busy and confusing spaces which combine changeable pop-up infrastructure and a proliferation of new vehicles and e scooters. This complements our submissions on the ACT Planning Bill and the Expansion of E-Scooters