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Official announcement – Merger of Advocacy for Inclusion and People with Disability ACT

Published on October 4, 2022

Advocacy for Inclusion (AFI) is pleased to announce that on Friday, 30 September 2022, the merger between AFI and People with Disabilities ACT (PWD ACT) was completed.

The merger represents the hard work of both organisations’ executive teams. It reflects the aligned values and philosophies of each entitles, with both organisations having previously aligned and collaborated in respect of key issues in the past. It will mean a stronger and more coherent disability lead advocacy voice for people with disabilities in the ACT at a time when its needed.

Over several decades PWDACT led important work on employment, accessibility, and transport and initiated ground-breaking work on accessible housing. Its advocacy, partnerships, and project work with the ACT Government spanning more than 20 years saw the Territory become an early proponent of universal design housing with design competitions, an education project, demonstration houses and early moves towards regulation. In 2021, the ACT Government helped secure national reform to the National Construction Code, with all new homes built across Australia to include minimum accessibility standards.

Appropriately recognised and endorsed by the ACT Government, the merged entities will continue to advance the systemic advocacy activities of PWDACT. Strengthened by the merger, the combined expertise, experience, resources, and infrastructure of AFI will actively advance and promote the best interests of the disability community into the future.

The newly merged AFI is now continuing this work through advocacy, such as our recent submission to the ACT planning review and events, including our coming forum: Finding home: accessible and affordable housing in Canberra. AFI PWDACT members and friends are welcome to join us at the forum from 12.30ppm on Monday, 17 October via this link:

AFI will continue to ensure transparency and cross-information sharing and that the interests of the ACT disability community are at our heart and continue to be represented at the highest standard.

Carsten Shaw


Advocacy for Inclusion, incorporating People with Disability ACT